Friday, July 23, 2010

We have moved...

Hello everyone!

We have moved to a new site:-

Gardens and Dogs

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Little Fight Makes The World Go Round

Took these pictures 2 weeks ago actually. It has been awhile since we got Confi and Bubbly playing "wrestling".

Due to Bubbly eye's incident not long ago, we tried our best to separate them as much as possible.

But we think it's time to have some fun again...But, under watchful eyes.

So, let the war starts..

Less than five minutes of wrestling, we got worried. Joshua has to quickly budge in and act as the mediator.

No more war...make peace, you two.
Who says we were having war? Tis is love....a little fight makes the world go round..

Monday, January 25, 2010

Confi & Bubbly - No Match In Size

We had kept ourselves rather busy since the beginning of the year and without us realizing, our two frens had grown bigger by the day. And you guess it of them continues to grow and has not reach her peak size yet.


Bubbly is really no match for Confi now. We dare not let them play together less one get injured beyond cure...hahhaa....